Prophet Elijah Berrian, who began ministering at the young ago of eleven, carries with him the essence of healing and restoration. At the age of eleven, he had already begun to minister to peers, pastors, and church leaders.
Prophet Elijah fervently believes the Great Commission of the Church is to go and make disciples of every man.
Under his mentor’s tutelage, Prophet Elijah received his formal training and call to the
ministry. With the anointing continuously growing on this young prophet, Prophet
Elijah has healed and restored the lives of many.
Knowing that God has much more in store for his life; Prophet Elijah has been trained
and groomed under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Prophet Elijah has more than a decade of teaching, preaching, &
prophesying under his belt which enable him to reach others with
humor, warmth, transparency, compassion, and strength.
In addition to serving in various capacities of leadership throughout
the years,Prophet Elijah is involved in a variety of ministerial endeavors
in & outside of the church giving back to his community, public
speaking, teaching, and community service.
Following years of preparation, God released him to embark upon his
own ministry where he is prepared to embrace lost souls and minister
to God’s people. With such a great calling to fulfill, Prophet Elijah’s
ultimate desire is to see people fully embrace God’s love and to walk in
victory and power while experiencing the love & fullness of God’s
His life is dedicated to living by example and encouraging men and
women how to live up to their full potential in Christ.